Halo 1.10 Zombies 24/7 Suggestions Continuation

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Halo 1.10 Zombies 24/7 Suggestions Continuation
« on: 24 January 2015, 00:46:35 »
Hey guys this is a continuation of the 1.4 suggestions however as well all know now its 1.10 so yeah time for a new thread... that and I tried to reply to but.... it had a nice notification telling me to consider making a new thread so I was like nup **** it.
I'll make a new thread lol anyways looking back at my suggestions I will add the ones which I think need to still be taken into consideration after reading all of your comments and here they are:

 Remove start off grenades as players tend to be selfish and grenade other players guns away if they don't get them first.

Set a timer of maybe 20 seconds for the start of each game so it gives players the 2 fragment grenades after the game has been going for 20 seconds, that way everyone gets there grenades and everyone gets the weapon that they are trying to get fairly. Its a idea that i was only hit with today... and i've never see anyone else do this so yeah it is possible however.

  Change primary gun to shotguns with 24 ammo to equal out not starting off with grenades instantly.

   Make it when zombies crouch they get invisible except for last man standing phase as the last man standing has enough problems to deal without having to worry about invisible zombies.

This is still great idea... ssc, oz and other clans did it and it was exceptionally good it kept a balance for the zombie to take control yet at the end it stoped to the last man had the chance to retaliate. Helped reduced rage quit due to zombies could actually kill people haha and because there are so many more humans that the default one zombie... it works.

   Add Wizard to menu selection who doesn't like wizard? Like get real or get wret

   Blocking stairs/ladders for longer than 15 seconds = death (beaver creek)

This needs to be implemented because of all them mexicans who get there teabagging buddy on the stairs and hold up the map on beaver creek allowing no-one to get up the ladder to kill the human therefore the server dies out and the last human get like what 100+ kills with his rocket _.-

   Fix the spam scripts on the server as it says it mutes the player yet it doesn't. Allowing players to spam freely :L which is really annoying.

Still can't believe in a year and a half you guys haven't fixed this!!!! Lol
Took this less than an hour ago on {XG} zombies 24/7

« Last Edit: 24 January 2015, 01:01:53 by Jasecon »


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Re: Halo 1.10 Zombies 24/7 Suggestions Continuation
« Reply #1 on: 24 January 2015, 08:37:57 »
Remove start off grenades as players tend to be selfish and grenade other players guns away if they don't get them first.

This one is a great idea

   Make it when zombies crouch they get invisible except for last man standing phase as the last man standing has enough problems to deal without having to worry about invisible zombies.

Only avaiable on server running Phasor (or Phazor, dont remember), as you know our svs still running SAPP and there no events for actions like crouch.

   Blocking stairs/ladders for longer than 15 seconds = death (beaver creek)

This needs to be implemented because of all them mexicans who get there teabagging buddy on the stairs and hold up the map on beaver creek allowing no-one to get up the ladder to kill the human therefore the server dies out and the last human get like what 100+ kills with his rocket _.-

Well, camping is part of this kind of gametypes so dont cry, killing campers on beaver creek is easy.



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Re: Halo 1.10 Zombies 24/7 Suggestions Continuation
« Reply #2 on: 24 January 2015, 12:04:31 »
   Blocking stairs/ladders for longer than 15 seconds = death (beaver creek)

This needs to be implemented because of all them mexicans who get there teabagging buddy on the stairs and hold up the map on beaver creek allowing no-one to get up the ladder to kill the human therefore the server dies out and the last human get like what 100+ kills with his rocket _.-

Well, camping is part of this kind of gametypes so dont cry, killing campers on beaver creek is easy.

Would you care to tell me how we zombie players are expected to kill for example: we have EQ clan members working together to hold up the game one is human on the beaver creek cliff area while he has someone blocking the stairs off allowing no-one to travel up them. I'm not crying i'm just saying if you want your servers to get more than 5 people then to have them all quit it'd be wise to do something about it. Because before you get enough rtv's to end the game its just 3-4 people in the server :/ goes from 10-4 in 3.2 seconds _.-

   Make it when zombies crouch they get invisible except for last man standing phase as the last man standing has enough problems to deal without having to worry about invisible zombies.

Only available on server running Phasor (or Phazor, dont remember), as you know our svs still running SAPP and there no events for actions like crouch.

Yes Phasor which your halo pc 1.10 servers are :P only you Halo Custom edition servers are Sapp.

The easiest way to check this is to set up hac 2 then press f7 if sightjacker works its obviously a Phasor cause most clans do not like to give out the free advantage of allowing cheats to sightjack players which if the server was Sapp it would be disabled because it would be stupid to leave it on. Adds to the unfair exploitation of locating players. But cause the servers phasor there is little you can do yet.

Don't quote me on this but I heard working on disabling hac 2 sightjacker for phasor servers... as far as a mate told me but theres no date for that release and no guarantee somethings coming but we can only hope.
« Last Edit: 24 January 2015, 12:35:04 by Jasecon »


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Re: Halo 1.10 Zombies 24/7 Suggestions Continuation
« Reply #3 on: 24 January 2015, 17:19:58 »
To implement this we need someone who can write scripts for Phasor, since we currently don't have anyone who can do that it will probably not be implemented.
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