How to report this guy?

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How to report this guy?
« on: 11 September 2014, 03:56:40 »
Really hard to kill this guy , many ppl calling him aimboter , i call him cheater with all cheats in the world. In my eyes it really hard to ban this guy.
But is there anything we can do?

« Last Edit: 11 September 2014, 04:16:41 by {XG}Stegamar »


Offline {XG}Tony117

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Re: How to report this guy?
« Reply #1 on: 11 September 2014, 04:27:00 »
You do not report him here.

You make a thread in this forum.,4.0.html

But first read how to report a rule breaker here.,97.0.html
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Re: How to report this guy?
« Reply #2 on: 11 September 2014, 11:09:35 »
Alright , Thank you Tony


Offline {XG}EagleFL

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Re: How to report this guy?
« Reply #3 on: 11 September 2014, 23:33:04 »
Just don't mention 167 ping and "omnipotent players" while god damn eagle is here ;D

There are times, when I suck with both 80 ping, and with even 230 ping. But 160ish ping is all I can dream about. Once we joined the Smg 07 server with my semi pro friend, beat the living crap out of him with 180 ping. Nowadays, I have no clue about how I just managed to do it, since he was always better than me. But with that ping.. whoa I mean like, it compensated my lack of relfex to lead, or do not lead in specific occasion. Even when I overslipped my mouse, I managed to succesfully hit twice after that mistake, close noscope headshots were common, and.. well, with a little lag, I was both untouchable, and a living aimbot :))
I was so amazed what I just did, I can't forget that match any more. He used to be better, and beat me every single time.. but I just dominated, I could feel the game, be part of it, it was fabolous c:

So, as the kind of player who used to suck in nolead, but rule in lead, 167-180 is where I can do my very best. I just .. well fvck it I talk too much as always, if the guy is not 1sk you in the very moment he saw you, I wouldn't call him cheater, and not even dare without an evidence.

To Charlieeeee

turning 360° is, well, not to burst your bubble, but making a perfect circle. If he was using an xbox controller, and used to be a cod tricksopefag, I could imagine everyone trying to make a 360 quick/noscope just to rant about it on youtube ;D ;D

About aiming at teleports, if someone was a gulch sniper fan as I used to be, it is very easy even to do a blindshot in the very beginning of the game. Just run to the teleport, and shoot instantly after aiming near the teleport, or wait for 2 seconds. Every time I join a game, I spam my ranking table and rule showing buttons, which makes the rule window dissappear in the moment you join the game, giving you even 1 more second, which can make the outcome of the game change. I mean, with that 1 second, I was able to position myself perfectly at the teleport spawn, managing a traple kill (yes traple, listen to the voices) after 8 minutes, we won 100-99 ;D

Not to defend this "I haz no name leave me alone" guy, but I feel exactly the same when I finished playing on smg 07. My semi pro friend used to respect everybody until he can prove that the person in subject is cheating.
Raging because of my wining state, he immediatelly called me botter after my second-favourite-almost-180°-noscope, because he was unable to hit me with his shotgun in close range. I was like after 5 minutes "I'm tired bro, gonne sleep, see you tomorrow"
Anyway, use sightjacker (comes with hac2) or something like that. If you see a guy making a killionaire just by jumping everywhere, 1sk everybody in his way, experiencing "unknown warping, my net doesn't really used to do this" then he/she/other lifeform IS cheating.
But as I am informed, no aimbotter passed 10 kills on any XG server, without permanent ban. Which is nice ::)
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

I put the panic in hispanic.



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Re: How to report this guy?
« Reply #4 on: 12 September 2014, 15:07:41 »
Umm That was Me?! :/