How to be a pro player in halo ?
Set your goal of playing halo for about 24 hours and end up playing it for 30+ hours.
Do you even sleep, eat, shit brah? And i bet the ass would have fused with the chair after that marathon.
I pretty much hate summer, because here in Hungary it means 2 and half months of "vacation".. and as I guy that leave pretty much far from it, and no proper transportation service (bus arrives in every 2 or more hours) I have two choices.. to walk in town to end up being tired (you remember my woodcutting accident back in March? Yeah it still hurst) or use my rollerblades.. Actually, with blades my leg doesn't hurt so much, since it is stabilized, not moving so much, and I can move much more faster with them (got my first blades when I was 5 years old, and even at travelling speed where I don't really try hard, I can still reach 30km/h) but yeeeaaah, you guessed it right, still end up tired after those kilometers, so when summer falls upon me, I end up being home most of the time, work around it, and inside it, etc. Not really much for social life.. And yeah, that's why I still wait for school, since I would like to be with my friends instead of seeing how the walls coming towards me...

Anyway, as you see, I have many and many free hours to be bored, and I just end up playing Halo, BSGO, or things like that.
It doesn't mean I'm antisocial, but I like things get done fast, and... it grants me so much free time
(after mentioning BSGO.. its a space sim mmo, and I just reached lvl 40.. it's about 1.5 million experience points.. and let me help you calculating, you can get 50-100 exp for killing an npc three times stronger than you.. I DARE YOU TO DO THE MATH)
So for me, playing for immense length of time is an usual thing

And actually, my father was a driver at GLS, we used to go on 500km trips from 6pm to 6am.. and because I can't sleep during daytime, I ended up not sleeping for 4 days.. yeah, 4 fothermucking days.. it was Monday to Thursday.. and at Friday moorning, I was like "zzz".. I sleept until Sunday Midnight

and I had this fvcking serious feel I can't even describe it anymore.. it was like, I was rested, but I still felt like a guy who didn't even drank in the last few weeks, and just got access to a glass of water.. a really, really strange feel I still remember during these times.. it was incredible
(try it at least once, it's like drugs lol) And eagle be like "hey I can't describe it... ops I just did it lol"
So for me these "play halo until you pass out" was on occasionally, and usual, like taking a breath

I don't know who remembers my xfire screenshot, but in my golden ages, there was a week, where my weekly played halo hours was 128... Yeah, 168-128 is exactly 40, which is about 4-5-6 hours of sleeping per day, and few hours for other things like eating, training my signature, and funny stuff like this. I'm a terrrible sleeping creature, can't fell asleep, can't get up once in bed, and stuffthings.. I just preferred to stay awake longer so I can fell asleep easier
Also sorry for long post, don't even have any potato pics to post so
I'm a horrible person who hates sunlight, being tired and bored in every moment he existed, and so on. I'm proud to be me

Forgot to add: Yeah, it's uncomfortable to sit like this for days.. I end up doing yoga in my chair usually
Just bought an air bed (sorry, I don't know how it is called in the usa or great britain

) so I can move my bed easily, and still play halo when sleeping .-.
Eagle being cured for Alzheimer has it's odds: Also, no one, EVER try to be like me after hearing any of it.. trust me, I regret to follow my mom to this town, I regret buying a pc there, I regret being rebel to start my halo passion like staying awake all day, and anything.. I was a many time choosen basketball player in my city, co-leader of our team, and all like this.. I just fucked up one day because I can't get up in time, neither the following days because my messed up waking and sleeping times.. and just got fired.. nowadays I wish to be still in the team, since I miss my sport... nevertheless, I'm an upcoming american football player in my town, so got that going for me, which is nice... but that's my luck. NEVER ever try to be like me... of course you can try, and get marathons like this, just please, don't make daily habit out of it.. I lost so much because of this, I regret many things, and I wish I could just spin back the wheel of time.
Play because you enjoy it, not because you can't quit playing it.