Random subject

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Re: Random subject
« Reply #15 on: 28 August 2014, 21:09:43 »
Fun fact (not that funny actually) : last year i went inactive on the forum for over 6 months. My posts per day never fell under 1,5x
Now i wonder how much it was before i went inactive.


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Re: Random subject
« Reply #16 on: 29 August 2014, 00:25:38 »
I would try but I live in an apartment :/ Also I don't find a sense to this.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but ALS makes you weak, gives breathing, and other problems I can't remember, so the purpose of the "ice bucket challenge" is the same, so you can feel how is it supposed to be to live with ALS.. I mean, for a moment you became paralyzed, suddenly can't breath, etc.. But cmoon, doing this while it is summer it's just a joke ;D Try it during winter, I sure some of those likehunters wouldn't dare to even think about it.
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Re: Random subject
« Reply #17 on: 29 August 2014, 04:20:12 »
Why they have to use water, why they dont full the bucket with money like Charlie Sheen . He did the Money Bucket Challenge lol . Really guys this is serious  :( >:(

Washington Post believes that each container is approximately 4 gallons. "If we keep this consideration, we can infer that total 9'600.000 gallons have been used so far. And if we know that every gallon equals 3.7854 liters, we will know the final figure. "Nothing less than 36'339.840 liters of water.



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Re: Random subject
« Reply #18 on: 29 August 2014, 09:41:17 »
ALS its a decease that attacks the nervous system. The subject with ALS will start having trouble speaking, then gradually his muscles will start losing their function. The person will start having difficulty moving arms and legs. As days and weeks pass , his ability to totally move will be lost. He will be fully paralized. Without speaking and moving the person will be like trapped in a puppet. That will be the worse feeling ever. Then the muscles that helps digestion fail and the person wont be able to eat or drink or to taste the good food ever again. He will be forced to eat and drink surgically , through a tube implanted in the stomach. Then for last ,about 5-7 years, the respiratory muscles will fail and the person will die. Its one of the worse deceases ever. My grandpa died of it.

About the water wasting... yes its true that thats a lot of water going out without a specific use but to compare it with the total consumption of water for a person/day, and for a group of persons or a small city/ day the als water consumption its quite small. Not to forget that water is the only element that can circle in a small amount of time , 1-2 days. You pour the water in the ground. The plants will get the water or the sun will vaporize it. After a few days it will come back as rain or snow and join up with seas or rivers from witch thanks to the modern filtering system it gets pourified and turned into drinkable water, and so the process goes on.
Water never goes wasted , but it turns from one matter to another. Same as energy.




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Re: Random subject
« Reply #19 on: 29 August 2014, 17:28:44 »
um.. water parks uses millions of gallon of water per day , anyone cares? but when it comes to wasting water for some charity causes and it becomes popular , media just pop those news of "wasting water " up just to embarrass celebrities and people who are doing this .



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Re: Random subject
« Reply #20 on: 29 August 2014, 18:58:00 »
um.. water parks uses millions of gallon of water per day , anyone cares? but when it comes to wasting water for some charity causes and it becomes popular , media just pop those news of "wasting water " up just to embarrass celebrities and people who are doing this .

Yeaaah, read the exact same on 9gag ;D a guy calculated all the water "wasted" during the challenges, and it could be enough to fulfill the role of "daily water for USA" for about half an hour.. and just to quote Joris, water will vaporize, became steam, then arrives in the form of rain, snow, etc.
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Re: Random subject
« Reply #21 on: 30 August 2014, 01:00:48 »
I agree and disagree at the same time. Does that mean that I can throw all the water I can and still it's going to return? Not always. There's a big process of where the water goes and stuff, but yeah, maybe the water from a small container can evaporate.

Well the thing with water parks is that they SHOULD re-use the water, because it is supposed to have Chlorine, that helps to keep the water for long time. But yeah, still they're wasting water. Another BIG waste of water are golf fields. You can't imagine how much water is used to keep them in good conditions, just for fun... I don't know, I'm just saying this because at this moment my country is suffering the lack of water, and a lot of children are dying because of this. I hate when people keep the water faucet open when they are brushing their teeth, or when they're taking a shower... anyway, nevermind what I said, I just get sensitive when it comes to water.

No offense, but... you are like Charizard bro ;D (take it as a compliment)
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

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Re: Random subject
« Reply #22 on: 30 August 2014, 04:20:19 »
haha we should  make a poll about if its good to waste water in that challenge .  ;D Just kidding lal.