This information made my day.. worse
All I can think about is one little quote, or something like that, that "school won't teach you how to solve x, and calculate y, but rather train you for the future which is waiting for you. Some say school is the easiest part of your life, then comes the responsibility stuff, and paycheck, you have to work for your life. With this, you learnt that if you would like to have a little free time, you have to be ambitious, and study hard. And believe me, life will be sooo much easier if experience and knowledge surrounds you.
My mother used to do the same.. if I bring home 3, or in english, a C, 1 week without pc, no phone on the next day, etc. Only thing I had to do is do something around the house, to make her life easier too. She worked from 8 to 21, and when he arrived home, first thing to do? "let's see what is unfinished, and let's do it".. Like washing, laundry, and stuff. Whenever I made a test which was worse than expected, got my 1 week pc and 1 day phone off, and it could be "unlocked" with doing most of these. Later, around 10 yrs old, it was a daily thing, never asked to do something, and whenever I brought a bad mark home, she realized that I was working around the house, so I couldn't learn enough, so she overlooked scenarios like this.
Someone told me, that "you know why a baby cries? since whenever something discomforts him, it's the worst experience he/she ever got" Studying and working will not take away your childhood or your free time. It will just prepares you for the rest of your life, making you stronger when something hard obstacle will be on your path. And of course, there will be always a time after tomorrow, and tomorrow is a new chance.
Actually after a few minutes I lost my way, and I don't even know what I am thinking right now, tired as hell, I just trying to encourage you, that doesn't mean that you are no longer part of this family. You were, and will be XG Pyro, and will be here after all, waiting for you to come back (with a ton of milk)
Your parents are trying their best to make you follow the right path.. you know, they experienced both good and worse at the same times, several times more than you, and they only trying to make you miss those failures that they experienced. Like in my case, my father was a great artist, but in the 80's he used to be that long haired rebel guy, causing troubles, getting all the girls, and meeting the school leader (idk what is it in other words lol) in daily basis. He had a chance to go onward with his studies, but he wanted to work in any way possible, he thought "money sooner, the better". After 30 years, he have a kind of fear, since his workplace requires more young strenght, and you know the rest.. if he learned more, there would be no questions asked if he could stay.. and he always tells me to study, study and study much more harder, since it's the one of the two path to easier life.. the other is to born in rich family, and just borrow a few million from father... ._.
Also, he told me something that I refused to accept, since he said "you don't have to love your parents, but you have to respect them"
Since my parents divorced, I love my father much more, since in 14 years, I can only see him around a hundred times, 6-7 hours / event... which is extremely low, and you know.. this kind of space caused me to go in the exact opponent way. I became the rebel he used to be, I hate the system, trying to fuck around it, and also, I just refuse to be in the same group of these "swag yolo" bitches, I ain't mainstream, neither hipster. You have both of your parents, so you don't have to suffer from some things I used to suffer from, so you got that goin' for you which is nice. But I can only recommend once again.. you can be hateful about that you can't play, nor use the phone.. I used to do the exact same. But realize that this is only the smallest problems you could encounter in your years, just concentrate on the main things.. family, study, work. Yeah I know, I'm trying to be a funny guy here in the forums, the only reason others think that I'm trying, or being funny is that I didn't talked about it.. and if someone achieved to read all that I wrote before this, then kudos lol, I just busted myself. "tl;dr rage"
So, heads up my friend, you never know what the future may hold for you. Maybe succes, maybe failure, maybe a little bag of milk.
The meaning of life? To enjoy everything until the very end, and be succesful after all those obstacles that life awakened in front of you.
I think my priest kind of job here is done, I can only wish you the very best, and the strength to achieve everything you want to in your life! Also remember.. that we are all here, as a bigger family of yours. If everything turns your back on you, you can count on as the final shoulder to rest yourself. We are not going to give up, and we will be a family after all!
Also, have a good (or better?) night, your dreams are brought to you by Eagle