Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working

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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #15 on: 23 May 2014, 14:32:03 »
I've just updated all our servers.
Please let me know if there are any issues.

well, i think you updated XG servers to 1.01 way too soon...
because now players who got older versions cannot see XG servers on their server lists....
for example, XG All vehicle CTF server is empty all the time.... because they cannot see the server on their server list.
the players who played on that server cannot get the massage about the update....

and another thing is that SAPP massage on servers...
well, people think its a official update and they are afraid to update because they think that the update will catch their pirate versions...
so they dont update...

so as a solution to the players who comes to my server,
i have put these massages after the game ends each time

**SERVER **  Atenci?n por favor !!!!!!!!!!!
**SERVER ** Attention please!!!!!!!!!!!!

**SERVER **  La lista de servidores disponibles no se podr? ver a partir del 31 de mayo....
**SERVER ** Server list on your halo game menu cannot be seen after 31st of may....

**SERVER **  Para solucionar este inconveniente actualiza el juego.
**SERVER ** To resolve this problem update the game.

**SERVER **  Parche para Halo CE, versi?n crackeada >>> http://bit.ly/halo_fix_esp
**SERVER ** The update for your cracked halo >>> http://bit.ly/halo_fix_en

well guess what, they still thinks it will catch their cracked versions...
i beleave that i should even put,
**SERVER** Dont worry, nothing will happen to your crack! ^_^

and i personally believe that you should downgrade your XG servers untill the very last moment of the shutting down of the server list...
at least untill 31st for now...
(at least some servers... like: ALL vehicle servers, where lots of spanish amateur players comes )
so they will come and they will see the massages about the upgrade....
thats why i didnt update my server yet   ( |||Ceylon Vegans*||| All Vehicle FuN Gulch ^_^ ).
i have asked form about 5, 6 players about the update, no one has update yet. (the people who at least have the chat working)

so, if you are downgrading the servers, the easiest way to do this, is,  'V1' way of SAPP ( the way of putting 'V1' command to the 'init' file of the SAPP)

well thats the news i have.....


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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #16 on: 23 May 2014, 20:01:46 »
Our servers in France run on 1.10, the ones in the united states which ran on 1.09 have been updated to 1.10

We still have our servers in the US run on 1.00, I will update them on or after the 31st.
They currently tell everybody to update their game to 1.10.
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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #17 on: 23 May 2014, 23:04:29 »
Our servers in France run on 1.10, the ones in the united states which ran on 1.09 have been updated to 1.10

We still have our servers in the US run on 1.00, I will update them on or after the 31st.
They currently tell everybody to update their game to 1.10.

its good that some US servers are updated and some are not. so there is a mix and players will discuss about it when they meet on those server....
and updating servers from 1.09 to 1.01 is suitable because players who has 1.09 usually automatically updates to 1.01.
because most 1.09 are CD key used installations....

but players who had 1.00 version  usually cracked (ok lets say 'non-official') versions...
so they will not auto update because they are already blocked from updating....
so, those are the players who needs to get the news.....
so, updating  ALL the France servers is the matter... (which were loaded with Spanish players. which were used 1.00. both the servers and the players).

problem is that did they got the massage? it seems they've not....
The XG all vehicle server i mentioned at my previous post is the France all vehicle server....
which shouldn't have updated so soon.... (according to my point of view)

and we have one week for the shutting down. but why keep the France servers at 1.01 update if the players are not available.....
if you guys analyzed the servers before, that 'to which servers most Spanish players comes' , what i think is downgrading them is the most suitable thing at this point....
what i see is that players are running to the servers which are not updated yet, rather than updating their halo.....
updating the France servers at the moment  is like shutting down those servers.... if u check the log files u can conform this...

well... that's what i thought :D... please do not take this wrongly...
its just my experience about the players and the updates so far..... :D


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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #19 on: 23 May 2014, 23:07:04 »
I don't quite understand your point.

We have all vehicle servers in france and the USA and running on 1.00 and 1.10.
Also what do you mean by the 1.01 update? that was released ages ago and nobody uses it.
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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #20 on: 24 May 2014, 02:27:42 »
Having members play on the old servers and inform everyone manually.

People will update after the 31st, they don't have a choice any more by then and will look for solutions.
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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #21 on: 24 May 2014, 03:18:47 »
What Charles says is that we the latin american people dont try to find solutions when a problem is  affecting us. Are few the ones who try in my case I live in ecuador many people what they do oh crap there is no servers "que voy hacer " so his or her  "solution" is to change to another game . That kind of problem is in my country and all South america except Brasil  :-\ I think have that kind of mentalily. My solution is use more social networks such as Twitter and indicate there what is the problem , the update , all of that stuff. But have to be active all day . Beside that the videos are a good idea but have to put that videos in every social network XG has and in youtube idk if someone in this clan makes videos but it will be a great idea to talk to someone who has  a  famous trayectory in by making videos,  gameplays etc.., . I know that is diffcult but is better than nothing .. I will try to think in solutions for that problem .  :)
« Last Edit: 24 May 2014, 03:26:06 by {XG}Anon R »


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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #22 on: 24 May 2014, 19:04:40 »
I don't quite understand your point.

We have all vehicle servers in france and the USA and running on 1.00 and 1.10.
Also what do you mean by the 1.01 update? that was released ages ago and nobody uses it.

really sorry, my typing mistake... its not 1.01, its 1.10.... :D
my point is servers which Spanish players were playing most (such as XG all vehicle France server could have updated later...
so they can see the massage throughout this week..

Having members play on the old servers and inform everyone manually.

what about the Spanish players?
i believe you have to put some admins who knows Spanish, to servers like where Spanish amateur players gather,
and inform them manually too.... those players are the ones who will mostly disappear after 31st....
of course the server has to downgrade to 1.00  first....

« Last Edit: 24 May 2014, 19:41:17 by no offence »


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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #23 on: 24 May 2014, 19:15:39 »
I think, what C Dark means is that the servers have been empty these days... I don't know anything about Halo versions, I don't even know what version I have, but it appears that a lot of people moved to other servers because they couldn't join the XG servers. Obviously if they can't joing, they can't see the message, and they obviously won't look into this website to know what's going on. Come on people, these guys are like 11-16 years old, they don't like to be informed, they just want to shoot (most of them rockets and fuel rods.. anyway); so if they can't enter into a server, they just move to others.

they never investigate anything about halo....

and the massages should be in very simple form... to be honest, even words like 'non official' version, they don't quiet get it...
specially Spanish players.... i mean not just the language, i mean even the Spanish translation should be in simple form.....

"  **SERVER ** after the update, nothing bad will happen to your halo even if it is a cracked version : D "

maybe Halo won't be the same after this May 31th...

Yeah i feel the same :(
maybe some players may fing solution on google search when their server list wont appear, but it wiil take time....
« Last Edit: 24 May 2014, 19:37:47 by no offence »


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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #24 on: 24 May 2014, 19:28:34 »
I think, what C Dark means is that the servers have been empty these days... I don't know anything about Halo versions, I don't even know what version I have, but it appears that a lot of people moved to other servers because they couldn't join the XG servers. Obviously if they can't joing, they can't see the message, and they obviously won't look into this website to know what's going on. Come on people, these guys are like 11-16 years old, they don't like to be informed, they just want to shoot (most of them rockets and fuel rods.. anyway); so if they can't enter into a server, they just move to others.

they never investigate anything about halo....

and the massages should be in very simple form... to be honest, even words like 'non official' version, they don't quiet get it...
specially Spanish players....

maybe Halo won't be the same after this May 31th...

Yeah i feel the same :(
maybe some players may fing solution on google search, but it wiil take time....
There is nothing I can do about that, since I can't communicate with these people so only the people like you can encourage people to update.

Like I said before the France servers have been updated already but the same servers exist on the American server which runs the old version.
This way people can play classic maps on 1.10 if they update and if they don't they can still play on 1.00 and see the update message.
I don't really see the problem with this, the only issue there might be is that there is less capacity to play the same server and pings may be higher for Europeans who haven't updated yet.

Besides that I'm not going through the effort to downgrade all those French servers to then update them again to 1.10 after the 31st..
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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #25 on: 25 May 2014, 00:02:22 »
I'm not going through the effort to downgrade all those French servers



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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #26 on: 25 May 2014, 02:16:12 »
well i have put "okey " post and went to sleep but the sleep is not coming...
because i still thinks i should explain more.... even if i get banned ^^

therefor im gonna post one last explanation about this matter.....
im not hoping to recieve a reply to this post. because you already told that you wont downgrade any france servers.....
so i cannot say "you should" do this do that... because it may leads to misunderstanding due to lack of my english knowlage.....

so i will put "if i were you" phrase :p

if i were you,
1) i will put 'v1' to SAPP init.txt  to the  XG all vehicle France server and,
2) i will select and remove all the massages like "do not use rockets against Spartans....." and all other massages and paste them somewhere for a backup. (to use after 31st)
(i have removed my two most important massages of my server temporally,

**SERVER **     Why Vegan ? ? / ?porque Vegano ? ........ -> y2u.be/4Tk0fMvwIT4
**SERVER **     ......Suffering is caused by desire.....*   -Gautama Buddha.

and removed about 5 other massages and i have put massages about the update.)

back to 'if i were you'....,
3) i will put massages like these for a better understanding for the amateur players.... both in english and spanish

**SERVER ** Attention please!!!!!!!!!!!!
**SERVER ** Server list on your halo game menu cannot be seen after 31st of may....
**SERVER ** To resolve this problem update the game.
**SERVER ** The update for your cracked halo >>> http://bit.ly/halo_fix_en
**SERVER ** after the update, nothing bad will happen to your halo even if it is a cracked version

4) and i will put some junior admins of the clan individually to the server time to time and tell them to keep an eye for players who use the chat,
and when they chat,  junior admins should ask them "did u update the game".....
and if they didn't update, those admins should guild them..... specially i will put admins who knows Spanish!

5) Why all this effort? well, without those amateur Spanish players ( the "leggy, nooby, Mexicans" from common language)
well. without them, 'with whom your gonna play with'.... (not you but regularly playing halo players)
well i believe most of the halo players are "leggy, nooby, Mexicans" with cracked halo.

< "......they have an illegal key (and so do 99% of people on halo)....." a quotation by {XG}BillClinton  >

in that case, what will happen if we fail to hold them to halo. play with a little bunch of USA or UK players?
so putting the massage just to USA servers will not work properly..
of course the players of all the clans will update. and with whom they gonna play with? only clan vs clan matches?
and will they come to 'ALL Vehicle' servers?

the perfect example is 'UFG All vehicle gulch' server.
it was been a server with full of players.
but without giving any information they changed the server to 1.09
now what happened? server is there but noone is there....

the same thing may happen to XG all vehicle France server, the server of the nooby laggay Mexicans....
if they didn't get the massage.....

well, player 'WSN' (a regularly playing player and the highest score ranker from XG all vehicle france server .) have visited my server, and i guided him to update and he did it....
now what about the other regular players like costa rica, omar v1, naruto, isec newton who understands to read a massage and apply the crack,
and all other players who regularly comes to this server...
you can save at least a  bunch of these players by putting the server back to 1.00 and displaying simple massages about the update.......

that's all i will tell. im not hoping for a reply... or im not gonna talk about this anymore....

i hope to see players on all vehicle servers even after 31st...
cheers..... :D

« Last Edit: 25 May 2014, 02:52:15 by no offence »


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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #27 on: 25 May 2014, 02:57:32 »
We already have Spanish members personally tell players about this update.

As stated before we have an all vehicles server in the USA running on the old version, I don't see the point why we should change the one in France to the old version as well.

I've also noticed that a lot of people/almost all halo players already know about the gamespy issue, even before the 1.10 patch was announced.
Which makes me believe they will know about the 1.10 patch and update to it by the 31st when they don't have a choice.

Why update now if there is no servers running on 1.10 and nobody plays on it yet? its a chicken egg problem, and I honestly believe the situation will resolve it self.
« Last Edit: 25 May 2014, 03:01:51 by Gijs »
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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #28 on: 25 May 2014, 03:14:21 »
We already have Spanish members personally tell players about this update.

thats grate !!!  :D

I don't see the point why we should change the one in France to the old version as well.
the point i was referring is that, that was the server where most old version spanish players gathering....
so it could have been a grate server for the massage....

but it seems that you are telling me that those spanish players went directly from frace All vehicle to the USA All vehicles servers?
well if its really happend, its ok to not to gowngrade the france server again :D....
well all the time i didnt knew that those spanish players are playing at USA servers now....
thats a good news then...

and i saw some players at france All vehicle server few minuets ago... well if the server is in 1.10 now,
well is a good sign then..... because all those players must be udated already then..... :D

ok im happy so far :D


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Re: Halo update 1.10 to keep server list working
« Reply #29 on: 30 May 2014, 19:07:29 »
and i saw some players at france All vehicle server few minuets ago... well if the server is in 1.10 now,
well is a good sign then..... because all those players must be udated already then..... :D

ok im happy so far :D

well it seems like those players were English players as well.... ^^