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« on: 19 February 2014, 23:28:01 »
This message is only for the newb called taco. Disrespect & make fun on me 1 more time-I BEG YOU! :|
BTW, silencing me by locking the intro only brings bad karma to your door. I'm a blogger dah. Your know-it-all-ism & ignorance did not upset me-rather, tempered my resolve once more. I've learned a thing or 2 about those who hide there profile: 1=they are either a bad guy or 2=a bad person-I wonder what one you are? It's no matter, I have eyes & ears everywhere ;) & don't give me that crap that your 1 of the good guys either, I know your type-otherwise you would have LISTENED and even more IMPORTANTLY "ASKED!!!! >:( Instead of attempting to embarrass me with bulling laughter. Your the most predictable fool I have ever encountered-Don't you think I've dealt with a my fair share of losers in the bunch-there's always at least one. You can't annoy me, you can't troll me'you can't even hack me, your just below me taco-man-up! when I get an apology here, then we can begin moving forward, until then I will do as I see fit within the honorable paths I have chosen-& btw-there higher than yours. Oh 1 more tidbit-I understand more about mental abuse than anyone I know-you can't hide it from me, have that condescending tone with me one more time & you'll find out why I'm not only "mod-hardend" but "net-hardend" But you don't even know what the word "evolvedly" means rotflmao


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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #1 on: 20 February 2014, 15:31:13 »
So we should be afraid of you? Sorry but it wont work with Me.


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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #2 on: 20 February 2014, 15:33:58 »
Dafuq? Taco is a respected member and admin of this clan and if you have a problem with him you will have to solve this one on one, not in some public forum or chat room.

As described in our forum rules:
All complaints need to be communicated privately using either PM, "Report this Post" feature and/or EMail.
In the event of this, the offending post will be edited or removed, and the offending party shall receive no more than two (2) private warnings via PM and/or EMail, and one final Administration warning.
« Last Edit: 20 February 2014, 15:39:56 by Gijs »
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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #3 on: 20 February 2014, 16:02:27 »
First: this is a problem regarding you and taco , this is not the right place to post it.
But due you posted it and read what you said i need to say some things, taken in a psychological perspective  before this is going to be taken to a personal conversation between you two.

Taco is an honourable member here and also a respected gamer in game. You didn't play long with him to know him that well as we do and i can assure you that he is one of the greatest persons you may meet in a game. So your judgements about "knowing him very well, and being a bad person" are wrong.
But its not this what annoys me the most.
The annoying thing is you overestimating yourself too much, making yourself like a game "master" and creating a hierarchy in your head where you stand in the top and every other person stands below you with less mental knowledge and skills.
It can be stated here:
the newb called taco
I have eyes & ears everywhere ;) & don't give me that crap that your 1 of the good guys either, I know your type-otherwise you would have LISTENED and even more IMPORTANTLY "ASKED!!!!
Don't you think I've dealt with a my fair share of losers in the bunch-there's always at least one. You can't annoy me, you can't troll me'you can't even hack me, your just below me taco-man-up!
and expecially here:
I will do as I see fit within the honorable paths I have chosen-& btw-there higher than yours. Oh 1 more tidbit-I understand more about mental abuse than anyone I know-you can't hide it from me, have that condescending tone with me one more time & you'll find out why I'm not only "mod-hardend" but "net-hardend" But you don't even know what the word "evolvedly"

Its seen in all your argument and application decription.This is a lack of respect to other players and its a lack of ability in you to accept your mistakes, or when you are wrong and another person is right.
Evolvedly is a word that does not exist in the international dictionary. Its a word you made up to sum up your "overpowered" ego and to throw that out at the people's faces.
So , as Taco said, this is not the place to show off. This is a forum and a clan for people to play together as a team and have fun.
Now, what to do its your decision. Take the conversation to a private message.
Thank you.

EDIT: No offence to anyone. I don't want to disrespect you.
« Last Edit: 20 February 2014, 16:04:35 by {XG}Joris »



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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #4 on: 20 February 2014, 16:37:04 »
Should you be afraid of me? lol NO! you should not fear anything-it's not real. But judgement(actually, mis-judgement I should say) of another person should make you afraid. Doing wrong unto others is something that every bird see's in plain view of the public-not to mention god ;) AND, respected member? please don't make me laugh-if having a dolt in your clan who misjudges due to know-it-all-ism is something that each of you respect, then I guess I did join the wrong clan. & btw I can't work it out 1 on 1 because my voice was taken away-dah! SO this and my public blog are my only venues to be heard-how convenient huh ;) Public roasts are my specialty for those who try to bully others. Besides-I ALWAYS talk to the group, if anything personal has to be said why didn't he pull me to the side then? it works both ways. His pathetic attempt to pass judgement on me has epiclly failed, & so has all of yours if you don't see his wrong doing. 1 more piece of food for thought, how do any of you have respect for someone who laughs at someones creative ideas? WITHOUT even knowing them, or what they speak of fully? I already know for a fact it will take each one of you a long time to be CAPABLE of fully understanding me-that's how I know ol taco here is 101% wrong and will continue to be long after. Columbus was laughed at when he said the world was round. Taco is a piece of crap & I won't listen to anything he has to say unless it's to say sorry-but I know with an inflated ego like his he never would-after all, that takes a real man to admit when hes wrong, I do when I am :| BTW, whatever I did not cover here or say-is intentional ;)



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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #5 on: 20 February 2014, 16:46:41 »
Joris, I like you. But when one of you know me for over 3 yrs then is the only time you will understand-PERIOD ;) Ask Blazer what he thinks about me-hes the closet to understanding me, & we have no probs. BTW when morons try and roast me in front of others, I will do as I see fit-go it? When one of you decide to protect me or be my mother I will listen, until then this is not a court of law, this is the real world-guilty til proven innocent.


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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #6 on: 20 February 2014, 17:07:21 »
Maybe you shouldn't join a community and act like you're the next big Prophet...
Besides that, I've been digging in to the stuff you said and in the end it all didn't make sense.

Like you where on about getting a 10-20gb/s connection for hosting games, I've calculated the amount of traffic that server would use and it's about 240mb/s at peak moments so a simple 1Gb/s connection will do.
You don't need your own expensive T5 connections, simply placing a server in a datacenter is over 20 times cheaper and also includes the storage space and electricity costs.

Also why do you want to buy terabytes of ram which don't even fit in your Intel server... (besides the fact that you don't even need that for hosting games)

So to us IT pro's we can clearly see it's bullshit, you're simply thinking "more is always better" which isn't (always) the case.
What you're saying is like saying a 540HP car is faster than a 500HP car. You're saying stuff like it's the truth without seeing the full picture and taking the other items in to account such as weight, physics, etc (in the example of a car).

That's why Taco thinks you are simply trying to troll us or thinks you are a fool.
And I simply don't have the time to deal with such bullshit my self either, Although I'm not saying you need to leave the clan I do think you need to change your attitude and do more research before acting like your truth is "the" truth.
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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #7 on: 20 February 2014, 17:09:40 »
Public roasts are my specialty for those who try to bully others. Besides-I ALWAYS talk to the group, if anything personal has to be said why didn't he pull me to the side then? it works both ways.

I'm not saying taco's actions were right, but, if taco jumped off a cliff, would you follow him?

 Taco is a piece of crap & I won't listen to anything he has to say unless it's to say sorry-but I know with an inflated ego like his he never would-after all, that takes a real man to admit when hes wrong, I do when I am :| BTW, whatever I did not cover here or say-is intentional ;)

Referring to someone as a 'piece of crap' is not tolerable here.  If you have something bad to say about someone, please either keep your opinion to yourself or talk in private chat.

please don't make me laugh-if having a dolt in your clan who misjudges due to know-it-all-ism is something that each of you respect, then I guess I did join the wrong clan.

We are not bad people in the clan. You are in fact the first member I've seen who has entered with such, well, hassle? Everyone in the clan is equal including the admins. Please respect the clan rules, and be respectful to other players and I'm sure everything will calm and everyone can respect each other.



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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #8 on: 20 February 2014, 17:17:44 »
Joris, I like you. But when one of you know me for over 3 yrs then is the only time you will understand-PERIOD ;) Ask Blazer what he thinks about me-hes the closet to understanding me, & we have no probs. BTW when morons try and roast me in front of others, I will do as I see fit-go it? When one of you decide to protect me or be my mother I will listen, until then this is not a court of law, this is the real world-guilty til proven innocent.
So you are saying that you need to know someone before judging him ..meanwhile you  are disrespecting and offending Taco and you don't even know him? Sir you are contradicting yourself.


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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #9 on: 20 February 2014, 17:47:39 »
Being a member of the {XG} Clan is more than wearing the tag of an elite group of gamers. {XG} is a Clan where people can meet, share, grow, experience, and appreciate life from different perspectives as we reach into many global communities. Take the time to live and learn and enjoy a game that is just fun to play!

evolvedNOOB... read it, learn it



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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #10 on: 20 February 2014, 18:14:11 »
1 more thing, he chose to make fun of me in public(ts3), so I'm just returning the fav until he makes amends. & if you think I'm full of ego then think about 1 of my other fav sayings: "the limitations of life, are that of which, in the way we envision or perceive it to be." If you see me as egotistical, narcissistic, selfish or any of that crap-then that is what you will see ;) I won't fight everyone's ignorance, that battle is to big. Instead I will write & do the best I can. 1 day I will take every piece of data I have collected & write a book & everyone I have encountered will be in it-only YOU will decide if your portrayed in a good light or bad. "How's that for egotistical Joris?" :D  Oh & just to make EVERYTHING I've said ring crystal clear: there are things I have not said, that I know makes each of you see some "unknown" about me-that will always be there & no use fighting it-until I can trust you & you get to see the real me. All of this is what you make of it. I'm happy right here right now & it's because of people. By all rights I could say everyone owes me-but I know better than that. Yet it does not change the fact, I have been let down by people over & over again throughout my entire life. & I refuse to fight everyone & allow it to continue. 1 by 1 I will deal & solve with each as they arise. I refuse to allow tacos public psychic attack to go unchallenged-to give that up, I would be letting down those I care about. & btw the server mission? please read it FULLY with comprehension-there are things you do not see behind the curtain ;) Just so everyone knows, I have never been able to share more with anyone than right this min & it makes me happy to know there are still good human beings around. Thank you.



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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #11 on: 20 February 2014, 18:30:32 »
1) You didn't get my point.
2) We don't owe you nothing.
3) Speaking with "large" words won't make you wise and right, and more intelligent than others and especially doesn't give you the right to insult people and call them ignorant.
4) You are a 42 year old person (if thats your real age) who is fighting and arguing over something said in the internet. Get over it. If you were that wise as you are describing yourself you would have known how and when to stop.
5) I would love to see what the critics will say about your future .



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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #12 on: 20 February 2014, 18:53:31 »
First of all i  clearly denies what you've said about tacos ( everything that you think about him , EVERYTHING! ) ...As far as i know him , he's really a good person , respect others, helps everyone and he's one of the most funny guy in this forum which makes us laugh.

I don't know about what happened between you and Tacos in TS3 so i'll not say anything about that topic. I just want to say certain things to you. Just think what you are doing ( for once) ,
1. You are disrespecting one guy in a public forum.
2. You attacked the messenger ( i.e Tacos ) not the message (No member is allowed to engage in public personal attacks on any other member.)
3. All complaints need to be communicated privately using either PM, "Report this Post" feature and/or EMail.

These are some basic rules that you've breached. ( excluding 2 more rules )

theevolvednoob, i am not saying that you are completely wrong and i have no right to judge it. I am just saying that if you have any problem with any particular member you should have just used personal message and you could also have used some kinder words.Those forums rules are not just applied in Xg forums , those rules are the most common in every public forum.So, just think for once that if you were right  to post and create this topic publicly .



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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #13 on: 20 February 2014, 19:04:13 »
1-yes I did :|
2-never did-your just trying to figure me out & you can't :|
3-another 1 of my favs:
I am strong because I've been weak.
I am fearless because I've been afraid.
& I say the word ignorant beCAUSE it's not an insult like saying one is STUPID(noticed how I avoided that 1? ;) I am fighting for my right to a life. I fight for my reputation(good or bad-I can utilized either). I fight for those who are lost from social media distortion that know-it-alls create. I fight for the forgotten, for the discarded, for the fallen, for the unknown. & critics you say? rotflmao That has to be the most humorous thing I have ever heard. I ONLY care about those who have true genuine love and honor in there hearts-theirs are the only opinions I care about. Reason being is, a real person understands real life & passes no judgement upon others blatantly without asking the RIGHT questions 1st. That's why I'm unique & at the same time I know that frightens some of you huh? But I am no different-cut me & I will bleed, say mean things or laugh & I will hurt. & I never know when to stop, because I believe in something bigger-NEVER GIVE UP-NEVER SURRENDER XD



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Re: Disrespect.
« Reply #14 on: 20 February 2014, 19:10:30 »
CSB why in gods name would I send him a PM when he intentionally humiliated me in a voice server & got the other person to laugh at me when I did not deserve it? I'm not frickin playing his game & he won't win-even if I'm thrown out(which would prove my point-tho painful) but should also speak volumes to everyone else. Maybe hes good to you guys but he did not prove that to me.