Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link

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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #30 on: 06 January 2014, 06:23:13 »
I guess it depends on the time difference but i dont care. xD I'm DEFINITELY IN! i think CSB and Blazer can confirm that i can play almost at any time xD
LOL yeah, but i still can't believe you didn't slept that night  ::)


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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #31 on: 06 January 2014, 11:01:33 »
I guess it depends on the time difference but i dont care. xD I'm DEFINITELY IN! i think CSB and Blazer can confirm that i can play almost at any time xD

Anytime xD


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Future of our series
« Reply #32 on: 06 January 2014, 21:07:49 »
So yeah, here is what I got.

I'm thinking about 3 different idea:

1.) My Hardcore series, will be uploaded on every Monday and Friday,
3.) XG's own series with XG members, english survival, on Wednesday and Sunday,
3.) A hungarian survival mp with Dozy, uploaded on Tuesday and Saturday,

And on Thursdays, I'm going to cut those clips, add some stuff to it, etc.

And sorry about the delay, punished my pc a little yesterday ;D..
Actually no, not really, the main participant of that error was my internet connection, as usually..

So, we are going to do the serie on one specified map. Every day, I'm going to change maps, so we can continue it.
We are going to record few hours of gameplay footage, and play on a really different kind of map, so we can still play together whenever we are not filming.
On thursdays, I'm going to be really busy ;D
Since my net is slow, I'm going to upload them at night... And the server will be open that time, and it will be restarted in every hour. (In case of me, or my pc dying, serial killers trying to invade my house, or my cat is being mad... I don't own a cat...)

So yeah, I'll be online on xfire, here, on Teamspeak, on facebook, youtube, everywhere.. ;D First, we need to test that the server can manage to serve for more than 2 players - since we ain't laggin' that time - and if everything is normal, I'm going to fire up fraps, and start recording .. And feel free to record your gameplay, if we can sync some youtube accouns, we can make a shared one, to actually show the gameplay from different perspectives... or I dunno, for views.. The more, the better.

First episode need to be epic, it can mark the entire serie.

Too long; didn't read:


Oh and hamachi:

Name: XG's Mc Server
Password: Ask here in pm, or xfire, or anywhere you desire to do it. ;) (anyway, the usual XG pass..)
« Last Edit: 06 January 2014, 21:30:57 by {XG}∙Eagle∙SR »
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #33 on: 07 January 2014, 16:46:22 »
I'm sad to announce it, but I think my Minecraft is died :(

We were about to test the TS sounds with Dozy, when I had a crash report, telling me that I modded mc, and it cause some problems.
So, uninstalled it, re-install, and launch it asap.  - Keep telling me that I'm using as a modded one.

Sorry again, I can't promise any time or date when we can start, but as I saw it from the report, the real problem is my video card..
I can't play minecraft until I buy a new card.

PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #34 on: 08 January 2014, 03:57:46 »
BUMMER. dude if you were able to play Minecraft before then you SHOULD BE able to play it now... its not like your video card said "meeh i don't feel like working again..... OH WELL"
"Illness might have took your body but it could never take your soul... Long live Rock 'N Roll"

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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #35 on: 08 January 2014, 14:32:40 »
Wanted to reply half an hour ago, my phone died ;D

Yeah, I just talked to CSB and Blazer about that, and after this, I downloaded a new launcher, which took me 2 hours to download (cuz net)
Now, I'm able to play, but I have some serious fps drops, and lag, which will going to ruin the serie pretty fast..
I can't install optifine, its just keep crashing me all the time, and that new chunk loading crap slowly killing my pc..
If I don't move, I have fine, 60-70 fps all the time.. If I move one block away, there is at least 20~ chunk updates, which cause lag and fps drop to me..

I was able to play with minecraft longer than a hour without a single fps problem, back in the good ol' days of 1.5
Now, 1.7's new chunk updating system broke my heart and my little finger.
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #36 on: 30 August 2014, 17:08:59 »

Sooo, me and Jimmy was thinking the other day, complaining that some guys (not from XG, obviously) are .. well, can't even do shiat in Minecraft. We were discussing the topic lately, and we came to a point where we raged about videos where they show you how to kill creepers, and other simple stuff.

I'm sure it does ring a bell to some of you if I say HowToBasic, right? Sarcastic videos about life's most simple actions, showed how it's done. So, I was thinking about, that:
- I have slow internet
- Not so good pc for a serie (well, gonna buy a sapphire radeon 6750 soon... actually, planning it since 2012, I was too lazy) anyway, suggestions for video cards ranging from $90-$130? (or 20.000 forint if it is easier ;D)
- But it is perfect to upload videos about 10-20 seconds long, and I have the necessary equipment doing it.

I have some ideas in my mind and how to manage to make them, but in other word, I would like to hear if it is a good idea, or just bad :o
Anyway, if anyone comes up with "maaaan, it's just a ripoff, ya steal ideas etc. etc IMPOSTOR" I'm ain't listening to it.
I'm making videos, because I love doing videos, and I'm not interested making money from them. (yeah, kinda bad choice, but cmon, I'm not going to live from my videos anyway) And I mention it everywhere ;D

Sooo, good or bad? Ideas welcome, credit given, time needed (about the previous one.. Soon I will have everything for a server which can hold more people than just 2 without lag, and all I need to have is a better connection.. gonna make some good grades, and continue my diplomatic war against my mother's friend, since I can afford a better net, he just can't let me have one)

So don't panic, '{XG} Serie' will happen, just like this 'HowToBasic: Minecraft' Edition ::)
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

I put the panic in hispanic.


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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #37 on: 03 September 2014, 22:11:30 »
its not 1.7.2 but its got alotta cool mods, its a new server, lacks a player base so check it out



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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #38 on: 31 December 2014, 09:42:30 »
Yeah, so umm minecraft.. :))

With the recent update, my liability to access the forum at home, (right now I'm writing from my brother's place, and phone access is kind of rusty at home) lack of teamspeak access (something with the recent additions about xp... yeah I still use freedom, since I have more stuff to keep than free usb's) and so on with the excuses, this project is not started yet.

I know, most of us too busy on normal days to even have time to play either halo or mc, but as soon as I get the chance to maintain a normal server (have problems with the 1.8.1 server.jar, yeah, still complaining QQ) and get rid of the fps problems (used to have 420 8) fps in 1.7.4, got like 15 with 1.8, no idea why) the server will be online.

Never meant to "kill" this project, because it had so many ways to to get attention from other players, and maybe if there will be so many viewers, we can share halo and {XG} related stuff, maybe gain a few recruits, and attract some others to keep playing with us.

After a while, we could announce events, and streaming on specific servers, and keep that in mind, everyone loves getting montage'd ;D
The purpose was to keep the halo community alive. I make videos for just entertaining others, and keeping me busy on those days when I have nothing to do, but rather do something, edit for hours, and so on c:
This will cause me to spend money, not recieve any, and no, I don't think I will ever want donations to myself, rather forward these to the clan itself (I remember we got paypal account, amirite?)

But here is Eagle's to-do list before we could start anything (if people are still interested)

1. Estabilish a working, bug-free server, with plug-ins, if possible
2. Repair the pc's problem's, this including
  a.) Get the skype, or ts working again
  b.) Get rid of the fps issues, which could affect the quality the video
  c.) Work on the mic topic - I still think it is old, have a weird after effect, odd echoes, stuff
  d.) No more laggin'
3. Force the urge to play minecraft on others (joke, but yeah, we need players, I only have Jimmy/Dozy to get on mc everytime)
5. Erase pointless parts of the to-do list :))
« Last Edit: 04 July 2015, 11:54:52 by {XG}EagleSADASFUCK »
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

I put the panic in hispanic.


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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #39 on: 11 August 2015, 15:35:30 »
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 20 days. bla bla bla

TL;DR - reinstalled pc, eagle is active once again, can play halo or mc any given time when I'm not on my mtb or in the gym, yeah we will need hamachi too, my net forsaken me few times but it is working again properly, nice ping, etc, wait even tl;dr is too long, okay i will stop cya have a nice day

So I'm sure we are rather inactive nowadays (I will never consider ourselves as 'dead') we lost contact with several members, others quit or left, etc :c

But I don't want this to ever happen, and I'm sure all of you agree on this one.

A week ago I established my internet connection somehow, and it's rather long story, skip the italicized orange text if you don't want to hear it.

So, after passing final tests, etc, my usb stick just fckn died. Oh the reason for this is because I bought a tablet, and back in the days, when I had like 300 ping on lead servers, I used my nokia 5230 with a pc suite to get internet connection on my pc - it was rather laggy, bat stable and long-lasting.
The thing is, the download speed is terrible - I can't use Hac or anything to download custom maps automatically, but the ping is.. well for a limited time, solid as rock. On XG Gulch Snipers I managed to be 1st on a server after half year of inactivity, regardless being outnumbered, or my teammates being afk, nevertheless, we won these matches. Thanks to the ping, since few weeks ago I couldn't hit shit *ask pyro about my rant* All I did was get a tablet, put the sim card in (oh, it had to be cut down to a micro sim to fit insire) connect to pc with a micro usb cabel, enable tethering and voala, 80-120 ping, with 32kbit/s limited dl speed if I run out of data to use (8gb per month, quite large for my usage, yet mc server take like 100-200mb/day - oh 5mbit/s when not limited, perfect for halo)

The thing is, the usb stick still required a normal stick, so I had to buy a cheap transformator.. a card with the size of a normal sim, and the micro sim could be fit inside. It was nice and cool until one day it fucking ripped the bronze or idk what is was cables out. So after using the micro usb thingie few weeks after that, it stopped working (yesterday) and I could only charge my tablet if it was turned off.
Somehow it fucking fixed itself (the fuck is going on with everything i own) and here's the best part - I was using personal enb for my portable halo. After I visited Jimmy to get gtaIV, he told me he wants the DaftPunk#1 and #2 back on track - our "fun" characters for youtube videos, shit & giggles. So I searched for the 1.10 patch, got him the official copy, and it was working on the first try. Since I had my pendrives with me, I brought it back home, installed it, had to delete hac2 since mobile internet connection always aborts update somehow, copied custom UI in the maps folder so no more "checking for updates" bs, and it was working.

The best part, is, the fact that I can't aim was because of enb. I just can't find any intelligent answer to it.. had enb, hs wouldn't count, but when I shot someone on a nolead server 2 meters after them, it was a kill - something like blackbird's "reverse ping" video showed, but it was weirder.

So, got official copy with patch, ui everything, tablet fixed itself, I can finally play again even when my net is limited, and we got an mc server running most days. Everything I could ever ask beside that I want XG will be more active again. Yeah I know how it works, and can't blame anybody. I just wish :c

So, I'm finally active once again, (oh, also reinstalled my pc, win7masterrace) so I can finally reach the forums without mental breakdown yeah

I've got a minecraft server (we were testing with 1.5.2 with limited internet - turns out its laggy only when players are far away from me), got halo going, will download Star Conflict again (get ready pyro) thinking about Arma/DayZ, everything we can play together.

If we can round up like 10 active players, I will rent a minecraft server for a year, and we could start this god damned serie of ours. I know I won't get any replies soon, but every kind of feedback is appriciated guys

love you all
« Last Edit: 11 August 2015, 15:38:25 by {XG}EagleSADASFUCK »
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

I put the panic in hispanic.


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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #40 on: 22 August 2015, 08:28:30 »

I told you a LONG time ago i wanted to join you guys. BUTT! my semester starts in like 3 weeks, so... Maybe you can give me the info so i can test it out and see what's what.  Besides my current pc is... well... CRAP. So, once i get a new computer (once i get it shipped to me, actually) we can play whatever we feel like playing.

"Illness might have took your body but it could never take your soul... Long live Rock 'N Roll"

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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Projects, and maybe some dl link
« Reply #41 on: 22 August 2015, 22:31:21 »
GOOD LORD! i was waiting for you guys to bring this up. I finally got my LEGAL minecraft account and i wanted to play with you people but it seemed like you guys weren't insterested in minecraft anymore. SO

Eagle if you would be kind enough to send me the server info so i could join as soon as i get home.

Eagle are you going to send me the info or not?

I assume a it was this, right? Sorry, I missed it :|

As far as I remember, it was on hamachi, and the network name is : KetaServer
And the pw is : msi, or 113
Server IP:

I actually gave you the info about the old hamachi like 2 years ago man ;D

Also my semester is going to start soon, I couldn't give any fix info about it till 25th of august, since this is the date when my fate in the next 2 years will be settled ::)
Anyway, this only means we got me, you, one of my friends who really cant speak english and jimmy, if we can get it working. Pyro said he would be interested, but lack of time, again :<
Also we still got to plan more, hamachi is:

Name: "Eaglenest" ::)
Pw: "msi"

Right now we are on 1.5.2 since with my net, it's the most stable when my net is limited, but we have to test it more with more players, greater distances, chunk loading at multiple times etc
As soon as 1.9 drops we could start doing it, but if school interferes, weeeeell

just join damnit lol
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

I put the panic in hispanic.