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Messages - LOLOx

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Promotional Material / Re: clap clap clap
« on: 27 April 2014, 15:28:21 »

General Discussion / Re: New look and feel
« on: 25 April 2014, 15:30:16 »
Am i the only one , who thinks that Nebulae ( green or purple ) will be good for EGS ?  :o

In green might actually work, but it gives me sort of a Steam sensation.

I think Corvus is more aimed to news and such.
Mercado.... just no. ;D
Radiance, well... It doesn't have that Gamy feeling.

General Discussion / Re: New look and feel
« on: 24 April 2014, 18:57:30 »
I like the Nebulae in Blue for XG and Lexicon for EGS

SPAM / Re: evol printers
« on: 24 April 2014, 01:18:40 »
Thank you, you kind Sir. i haven't laughed this hard in a long time.

General Discussion / Re: Mexican Noob Logic
« on: 23 April 2014, 21:28:17 »

but i'm Venezuelan so, LOL.

General Discussion / Re: The death of Halo PC/CE
« on: 18 April 2014, 08:34:26 »
I've got an awesome idea.
How about you check the forum more often and try to catch up with the posts?  ;)

Yes, Gamespy is apparently shutting down their service for a whole bunch of games, like this post (made by Billy) clearly says.,2525.0.html

Halo Custom Edition / Re: R.I.P HALO
« on: 14 April 2014, 11:26:43 »

Yeah. Thanks for the news, hades, but (completely off topic) i'm afraid you can't use our clan nametag ({XG}) until you correctly fill up an application form and (IF) get accepted.

General Discussion / Re: Good Musics
« on: 09 April 2014, 00:40:11 »
BillC listening to Italian Rap? -.-" what the fuck man

Pff, why is that a big deal?

{XG} Clan News / Re: New clan tag!
« on: 02 April 2014, 03:13:14 »
Oh no!

Now I have to learn spainish  :'(

No, all you have to learn is how to defend yourself and your clan when the m-oobs start to insult you.

{XG} Clan News / Re: New clan tag!
« on: 01 April 2014, 01:46:54 »
Well,... this was unexpected

Thank you, George. I'll keep an eye on that server.

I'm always checking the Extincion server('cause is full with glitchers and cheaters) and also the ALL VEHICLES servers.

I think i've played with him but i don't remember if he was such an ass.

SPAM / Re: Just a few Ques.
« on: 29 March 2014, 22:38:35 »
Who said Bear Grylls' program on the Discovery Channel was useless?
I'd love to do that, get lost in a forest for hours and see nature and not just a bunch of Fugly paintings on the walls of the streets.

SPAM / Re: Just a few Ques.
« on: 29 March 2014, 09:38:03 »
Anyway, Invulnerability from bullets, teleportation, control over the elements, being an alchemist, or being able to regenerate.. But Batman and Ironman proved that money is the best superpower, so yeah, money is needed sometimes :D Also, being Hulk is also fun :P

So.... God xDDD

1) Well, i almost got bit by a lancehead snake. I grab the stupid thing and she tried to bite me, so i bit her first. *Brutal Metal sounds*

2)Invisibility, Time control.

General Discussion / Re: Greatest day EVER
« on: 27 March 2014, 08:05:56 »
Just to cheer you up, exactly 3 weeks ago, I was cutting logs, and injured myself with the axe.. right in my left foot.
After that, like a boss (or an idiot, actually) walked to the hospital .. it's 6km from my home..

But I didn't bleed to death, so I got that goin' for me, which is also nice :P

Good Lord man!  ;D, i wonder what people walking behind you thought at that moment..."sir, Sir!. Are you Okay?" -"yeah... i just chopped my right foot with an axe and i'm walking to the ER" xDD priceless
Hope you're ok tho!

That sounds like one mega crazy day xD

I hope the climate in your country gets better. I've never had to live in a situation like the one that's currently happening where you live. The youth are the future so you shouldn't just abandon them. How else are they going to provide for the future if the old f*ckers won't get rid of their terrible ways?

If you ever find yourself in the UK, there's always a place here for you bro!

I was planning on moving to Dublin before this whole thing happened but i can't and i won't leave these guys on their on. 
It's not easy to fight the National Guard when they're packed with tear gas and shotguns (it's not like in other places where they only use a shield and a baton). But we're dealing with them and we're not tired.
The thing i hate the most is the politics, other countries can't say shit because their mouth is filled with oil and they don't wanna spit it.

Thank you guys for everything. I hope someday we meet somewhere so we can have a couple of drinks.

General Discussion / Greatest day EVER
« on: 26 March 2014, 08:14:52 »
Hey guys, i wanna share my day with you.
Here we go:

2 guys tried to rob the house next door while i was sleeping.

I saw a guy getting mugged by an armed thief, two blocks away from my house.

SO! I decided to get some fresh air at a friend's house 4 blocks away from my place (inside the Residential area) and when i was getting back home i saw a car coming towards me with no lights on. I though, "meeh, kind of weird but whatever", then the car passes by me and stops and then the guy proceeds to put on reverse and starts following me.

Cool huh?....
If it weren't for a guy who was just entering in his house and saw me walking and the car following me IDK what could've happened. (the guy is kind of buffed and looks, well.... evil xD)

But the sadest thing of all is that i don't want to live in this place anymore. it's VERY unsafe, people aren't nice, there's no money, i'm not studying (cause classes got cancelled in my college). There's no future for anyone here. you'd have to work your ass off for like 10 years in order to get a car(IF YOU GET A JOB), you can imagine if you wanna buy a house.... But i got NO WAY OUT.

I finally got my passport (after 6 F-ing months) and suddenly Caos happens in here, so the government decided not to give any cash (dollars) to any student in the country (cause we started the protests). And Venezuelan people studying outside the country got their Remittance denied by this stupid people.

Oh!, but i got a KDR of 26 playing halo today so i got that going for me, which is nice.

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