Resigning / Miss you bros
« on: 26 January 2016, 11:09:47 »
I wanted to write something deep but i dont even remember the day i joined XG. But what i do remember is the great times i had playing with you guys, whenever i remember this clan i run into this website to see if it still online and the nostalgia comes to me, i wish that times to return, the times i played a lot of Halo with Gijs, Bill, Wu Tang, Tacos, Blazer, Ragtop, Eagle, 14lol41, WhiteFox and the others.
XG is and will be always a good memory.
I have no words to describe my feelings about this clan. (Beside my english sucks)
Love you guys
XG is and will be always a good memory.
I have no words to describe my feelings about this clan. (Beside my english sucks)
Love you guys