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Offline Sponge Bob

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« on: 04 September 2015, 13:21:41 »
Hey Gijs !

Now is the time.... Yo know im playing formany many many years on XG. This time its gone out of hand. We need an active admin on All veh!!!!.  Betray is being normal now, when they cant win they start bashing own team and or betray (die inline friendly fire).2Peeps are ruining it for most, ambu and frank(many alias). tehy have make ya server crash just for fun!. They use walls andbots and even logg 3 or more times to make hell for every1.

In all these years i never tried to contact you about this bullshit but now is the time, time to act !!!!!

I have been one of your faithfullest server user, online almost 24.7.  Im forced to use every trick in the book to get rid of these lame players but i can only do so much ! Pls contact me :[email protected]  ---Sponge bob

Additional ill add from almog,2nd placed and faithfull player on Xg veh :

I think that such a move had to be done a long time ago (when I suggested it). We NEED Admin or at least some kind of supervising.
We are surrounded by people who play illegally, such as Aimbots, Wallers or glitch maniacs (with the flag or without it)...
All these players take the FUN out the game, And the solution for the admin will simply kill them for a 1 time, and after 3 time just force them out.
But i think one that makes the game crash on purpose should get a permanent ban form this server.

One more think... I think the server deserve a launcher and a forum with ranks, it will make this game more Competitive and people will find it more interest and then play it for more time.
A thing like that is achievable?
I can not communicate with Gijs007, but only by sending a message in Game tracker, witch he never respond...
If you give me a way to communicate I'll try

Because of all this I think we need supervision by one of us.

thx, almog


Pls gijs or rainman.... pls contact me.... this moment serveron lobby list not functional ,direct ip is...     again a hack ?

With regards

Ralph (Sponge Bob)


Offline {XG}EagleFL

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eagle lost his mind once again, writing books and shit
« Reply #1 on: 04 September 2015, 19:02:50 »
Well, some months ago I lost my admin, because reinstalled the pc, other halo setup, etc
XG's prime minister told me he will restore my privileges, but I still can't log in ;D

Well, if we can restore my admin to my usual name, and to my original pw (starts with i, ends with y btw) then I will gladly take care every one of them, but seeing that they are capable of several impossible feats, it is not a guarantee tho

I was playing a sci-fi space shooter game I highly praise in 2013, and a hacker group lead by a guy (alias Doj) overpowered the admins alone, and recruited his little pawns of hell (one of them, Matt, was my friend) and they frequently made op characters with weapons with immense refire rate, damage, range, m/s, etc. (I also made a video about it on youtube years ago, i could take out battlecruisers which thousand times more destructive than my little heavy fighter in like 10 shots) killing players during event, eventually losing their sacred equipment, loot, commodities, ammo, etc (credits worth billions lost in minutes) making the dev team busy giving equipment back to their original owners, they did a lot of server roll backs, actually making our progress equal to zero

I actually infiltrated their ranks with the help of Matt, generated billions of credits, gave out money for those who lost everything to at least have fun until rollback (all the given money will be deleted) and got nothing back, and made characters like in the movie Terminator 3.. anti cheater charaters

the admins eventually "proved" that I was one of them, but with my immense amount of actions, they actually tracked down my usual "wingmates" and destroyed the cheaters

The server is clean for almost 2 years, but I lost my rights to ever return to the server, because I made the admins too much work to track down my actions, my "donations" and everything, even though it was rolled back after the cheater pc's were flagged

even though I may be admin in this clan because reasons, but I think simple IP ban will not solve the problem
we can try ofc, maybe they are dumb apes unable to think about a workaround, but we most definitely have to start thinking about alternatives, if they return after the ban

will eagle punish those who dare dishonour our rules, or fail miserably? stay tuned
« Last Edit: 06 September 2015, 12:41:30 by {XG}EagleHappyAF »
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

I put the panic in hispanic.


Offline Sponge Bob

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« Reply #2 on: 05 September 2015, 19:59:03 »
Ehmm. what the use if your post ? With respect,but very anoying and useless. GIJS Respond, any1 else i dot give a damn. Maybe Its time to move on and leave XG for what it is. I urge GIJS , om eindelijk eens wat te doen aan deze shit ! .1. Fix serverno1 can logg in !!!!! only direct IP, 2. Do not bann very dedicated and great players, when they address GIJS on the bullshit happening on XG all veh. Its a shame you seem to lay back and dont care.


Offline {XG}BillClinton

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Re: eagle lost his mind once again, writing books and shit
« Reply #3 on: 06 September 2015, 00:18:25 »
Well, some months ago I lost my admin, because reinstalled the pc, other halo setup, etc
XG's prime minister told me he will restore my privileges, but I still can't log in ;D

I re-added you as admin the day after we spoke about it.

I'm honestly not sure why it would not work for you.


Offline Gijs

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« Reply #4 on: 06 September 2015, 00:25:41 »
You can play on our USA servers which have updated scripts which automatically kick aimbots, glitchers, etc.
If you had read the update page at:,3482.0.html you'd knew about this..

Once we have received enough feedback on the updates for the USA servers then we will implement them on our EU servers.

As far as GameTracker go's we don't use it for communication, we only communicate with players ingame or trough our website/forum.

Most of our Admin team plays Halo Custom Edition, we used to be a large clan with an active admin team but since most of us got busy with real life (work, university,etc) we no longer have time to maintain all these servers. We had the choice of leaving these servers unmanaged or to take them down, we decided to do the first thing.
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Offline Sponge Bob

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« Reply #5 on: 06 September 2015, 09:38:05 »
Ty Gijs for your respons :)

Since you dicided the first thing, isnt it possible to at least give me or any1 other very decicated player on XG All veh france admin rights ?. Im GoH member for 6 years and I allready applied to be xg member. XG all veh is top ranked server i hope you consider this option.
And no im not trying to just be admin and rule at server, im far beyond the that point, its hurts to see so many people play there and the fun is ruined 20% of the time. As i told before, i have to use every trick in the book, as 'normal' player to make it hell for them, Im well know on xg to take care of them low lifes, and people thank me for it, thought im only human.

All considering i truelly hope you consider my sincere request....


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« Reply #6 on: 06 September 2015, 11:54:26 »
We only give admin powers to people we know for a while and which are trusted.

I don't know what you mean by "tricks" but we've had several complains about you  for breaking the rules including glitching and aimboting on our servers. Hence why your recent application request to join the clan has been denied.
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Offline Sponge Bob

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« Reply #7 on: 06 September 2015, 12:30:39 »

And those complaints are right, since many attempts to reach you, to solve the issues on server, i have no other option then to use any trick in the book to handle those kids. Its those lamers who i 'handle' who complain to you .... 'Kip en ei' story.  They can bot all they want, but they cant compete with a glich.

Im on ya server from the start, and some know me for years on XG. Its pointless to debate any further. Im prob. the only player who is this longest on ya xg server. Ask arround in your your clan, many will  back me up, im know for my hounesty and a true teamplayer. Eitherway useless to debate this 4 ever. Im sry you seem to be so stuburn. I should get some credits and just refusing the facts cause others say so, is a pitty.

Ill drop the subject cause it seems pointless and  it only leaves me with the fighting the lamers with their own, medicine.

Last request : On lobby list no1 can logg xg all veh, although it there , only direct ip works. can ya fix that ?


Offline {XG}EagleFL

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Re: eagle lost his mind once again, writing books and shit
« Reply #8 on: 06 September 2015, 13:00:08 »
Well, some months ago I lost my admin, because reinstalled the pc, other halo setup, etc
XG's prime minister told me he will restore my privileges, but I still can't log in ;D

I re-added you as admin the day after we spoke about it.

I'm honestly not sure why it would not work for you.

Well, I think we can blame my pc for it, it's an actual living artifact with magical proportions, can reproduce unicorns with the help of an actual infinity stone borrowed from Thanos itself and able to pull anything, but to make halo work properly :p (gonna check it again today) oh and the wall of text was just for lulz, but it seems that my text had a purpose actually - you see, it's not wise to counter cheaters and hackers with their weapons, even if the admin staff can't do anything against them... if the one above all can't, how could you? They will eventually punish those people, because they are the only one with power to do so - if you try to justify the hacker's actions with something the admins not approved of, you will be punished too, for breaking the rules.

Just a tip, not an order; if you see hackers, it means they will not be really annoyed, nor frustrated by you, since their overall knowledge stops at hacking. If you try to "make 'em day worse than hell" all you can really do is to quit. A hunter will not be annoyed by a prey that is trying to evade it.. it looks at it as a challenge. But when it has no prey.. wouldn't you be annoyed that you only waste your time trying to find something? I know philosoeagle and stuff but meh

So, if a hacker/aimbotter joins, and the anticheat does not detect it, all you can do is quit - I can't feel pity for those who use their hands before using their head. The most logical and easiest method is to simply quit - there are several other servers to play on.
But if you stay for hours, just to use glitches/aimbot anything to "annoy" them is no use.. it's like feeding the troll. They are masochists who like when they are looked down, like when people are harassing them, and love when people telling him what they have done with his birthgiver on xbox. Think of it as their life source - they are bound to annoy people even with their presence, and without being a cancer to any community their lives would be isolated, full of pain and miserable moments.

save your sanity, quit the server
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

I put the panic in hispanic.