Which anti-virus do you prefer??

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Re: Which anti-virus do you prefer??
« Reply #15 on: 28 August 2014, 00:09:01 »
Well aside the jokes i used ESET most of the time, since Antivirus 4 came out , never had a problem with it, recently upgraded to ESET Antivirus 7. It has been worth the money.
Yes.. money ... you shouldnt use cracked antiviruses, sometimes the cracks wont let the updates to complete, had that problem before , with different types of antiviruses , thats why i decided to buy the licence instead.


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Re: Which anti-virus do you prefer??
« Reply #16 on: 28 August 2014, 00:44:49 »
Hey guys just managed to make a new antivirus called "natural selection". It stops, and quarantine all idiots ::)

And besides the jokes, I really don't have any antivirus. My pc and my net is sooo bad, can't even managed to download a single virus properly. And, as pc's and antiviruses evolve, so does the malwares and those.. but my Bastion is my inability to properly download, so I got that goin' for me again, which is still toooo nice :))

I'm used to have XP Daytona between 2007 and 2012, now I have XP Freedom (yes, using them since my rag can't stand win7 and 8... 8 just blocked my directx, I had to play counter strike for 3 weeks ;D)

Anyway, most of you declares that "wow what a fairy tale, all this with a bad pc and many many miracles but can't properly run halo"
I think my pc is both a disease and a cure at the same time, since my pc can't get attacked by viruses, still protected in a way since 2007, and I can play my favourite games, of course on the worst graphics, and 20 fps ;D (Half life, Gothic, Halo, Postal, Freelancer, Unreal Tournament, GTA, Hitman, Minecraft, NFS U2 and MW aaaand Worms armageddon)

Besided, neither I can really understand my pc at all. In 2008 I could play halo on lead servers with full graphics and 60-70 fps, and I just get a motherboard upgrade after it.. pc became faster, halo became laggier. And this managed to bring me to the level where I use gamebooster, lowest graphics and all such things in order to achieve at last 20 fps. Put the worst internet connection in existence to it, and voala, you've got eagle's pc ;D Nevertheless, I love it, no matter what her problems are, since I was Gordon Freeman, Master Chief, the Nameless Hero, Adison Trent, Steve, Dude, and even Hitman.

Also wtf how I ended up making a story about the relationship between me and my pc... I was talking about antivirus programs >:(
Guess I have to sleep, windows firewall for the win (it's turned off duhh)
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

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Re: Which anti-virus do you prefer??
« Reply #17 on: 28 August 2014, 10:34:37 »
Have i told you about the worst pc in the existence? 256 mb of ram, undetectable graphic card , yes undetectable , i even installed the latest drivers for that kind of graphic card and still couldnt be detected. A pc running on windows xp pro but that didnt even have system restore integrated, that you could barely get 20 fps on display screen itself, with the damn classic layout on , like wtf , with a god damn 1 usb port that you didnt know witch to connect first the keyboard , the mouse or the exterior disk reader as its own disk readed malfunctioned. The network card just said fuck you and died in the first 3 days. Antivirus? heh i was afraid to install an antivirus because it would have forced me to restart the pc and the pc could not turn on again.
But the best part of this was the BIOS battery. The small pin that holds the BIOS battery in its slot just wasnt there so i had to force hold it with duct tape, NO JOKING! It was fun seeing me struggle when the baterry fell off when i was in a process of doing some work.
So... welcome to jackass. That old pc makes eagle's pc look like a Ferrari.

Just so you know , i had to work with this devil of a pc for 2 months as my other pc got a faulty HDD and took it to a PC specialist , who just decided to go on vacation and leave the work undone. Fuck me right?
« Last Edit: 28 August 2014, 10:36:24 by {XG}Joris »



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Re: Which anti-virus do you prefer??
« Reply #18 on: 28 August 2014, 16:58:07 »
Get a part time Job , buy a better PC ... problem solve...
No no no, no applause guys, it's always an honor for me to present such great ideas. You don't have to Thank me every time.


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Re: Which anti-virus do you prefer??
« Reply #19 on: 28 August 2014, 18:43:00 »
Have i told you about the worst pc in the existence? 256 mb of ram, undetectable graphic card , yes undetectable , i even installed the latest drivers for that kind of graphic card and still couldnt be detected. A pc running on windows xp pro but that didnt even have system restore integrated, that you could barely get 20 fps on display screen itself, with the damn classic layout on , like wtf , with a god damn 1 usb port that you didnt know witch to connect first the keyboard , the mouse or the exterior disk reader as its own disk readed malfunctioned. The network card just said fuck you and died in the first 3 days. Antivirus? heh i was afraid to install an antivirus because it would have forced me to restart the pc and the pc could not turn on again.
But the best part of this was the BIOS battery. The small pin that holds the BIOS battery in its slot just wasnt there so i had to force hold it with duct tape, NO JOKING! It was fun seeing me struggle when the baterry fell off when i was in a process of doing some work.
So... welcome to jackass. That old pc makes eagle's pc look like a Ferrari.

Just so you know , i had to work with this devil of a pc for 2 months as my other pc got a faulty HDD and took it to a PC specialist , who just decided to go on vacation and leave the work undone. Fuck me right?

Well you won this time.. but I don't know if it is really a winning situation :c
This kind of explains why do you have so many posts:o
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.

I put the panic in hispanic.



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Re: Which anti-virus do you prefer??
« Reply #20 on: 28 August 2014, 21:03:20 »
Get a part time Job , buy a better PC ... problem solve...
No no no, no applause guys, it's always an honor for me to present such great ideas. You don't have to Thank me every time.
I did get a better PC, that was just a temporary one.

This kind of explains why do you have so many posts:o