XG zombies 24/7

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XG zombies 24/7
« on: 16 February 2014, 18:09:27 »
sorry i dont play halo pc anymore but a lot of old players that i know are asking to me to reput in the server fast zombies with nades and humans in vehicles... they are also saying that the server from which it was full before now there are only 6-7 players .. so .. if you can put everything back as before the players will thank you, thank you :) ;D



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Re: XG zombies 24/7
« Reply #1 on: 16 February 2014, 18:39:28 »
I already have told this many times. The main reason of players decreasing from Zombie servers( of halo combat) is because of the removal of vehicles and nades . And if you want the proof of it , just see the no. of players joining the XG vehicles server comparing to that of normal server. Also our XG all vehicle is in 3rd position ( http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ ), and other vehicle servers are not that far from the top 10 position.
You just have to add vehicles and nades in 3 big maps only ( Bloodgultch. Timberland and Sidewinder ), small maps are ok by default.
And again it's not my suggestion, all these things were said by many of my old friends that used to play in XG Zombie server but now plays in Different Zombie servers.


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Re: XG zombies 24/7
« Reply #2 on: 16 February 2014, 18:43:58 »
I don't think we'll be restoring it.

The only reason that the server was always full was because it was impossible for the zombies to win.

Nubs would get into a vehicle and run all the zombies over. The zombies only had 2 nades each, and because halo PC is so shitty and has old school lead, you can never throw a nade on target. It was impossible to kill nubs once they'd got into a vehicle.

We're not fussed where the server ends up in the rankings, we just don't want an unfair server.



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Re: XG zombies 24/7
« Reply #3 on: 16 February 2014, 19:02:57 »
OK!! i got the point  :) ,
But Bill you are missing some points.
1. Zombies win percentage in that server was 75% ( approx , don't be surprise i used to play in that server like 24/7 and if you are not sure just look my ranking in game tracker )
2. Don't worry about nubs running into vehicle , as only Ghost are difficult to catch with nades and hogs are like super easy because of their size . (still don't believe me, just try and play with me only ONCE i'll show you how, not only for me but any noob can do that )
3. If you are talking about the unfair server, many players like me VIC[XY]UK SEN BETA Hitman Sidzz Beat Pulse Pulsar shadow( ofc noone knows these guys as they are my oldest friends in halo and the list i gave is too short, i can give a couple of dozen more names ) used to suicide just to become a zombie and kill humans as fast as we can .

I may be wrong , but it's my opinion and also opinions of all those guys who used to play in that server.

And Bill if you still don't trust us, you need to go in that server for once ( with different name without XG tag) and ask anyone if they like that server NOW or before.


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Re: XG zombies 24/7
« Reply #4 on: 16 February 2014, 19:59:17 »
hmm, so you say ghosts are hard to kill but warthogs are not?

How about we only spawn warthogs?
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Re: XG zombies 24/7
« Reply #5 on: 16 February 2014, 21:08:43 »
^ I can relate to this.

Even in my older form, when I'm not used to be a total nub, I can easily nade any kind of hog. With lead. Oh god I love leaaad<3
But the ghost was a real challenge, like... idk, try to stick a player with plasma.. It's as hard as stick a moving ghost.

On bloodgulch, you can simply outmanoeuvre the ghost, since BG have got lot's of dunes, hills (idk what they are called lol) you can crouch on these places.. and since the ghost is floating, it will simply fly over you.

So yeah, it will end up challenging to stay alive 8)
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Re: XG zombies 24/7
« Reply #6 on: 17 February 2014, 04:45:01 »
hmm, so you say ghosts are hard to kill but warthogs are not?

How about we only spawn warthogs?
Yea Ghosts are really hard to kill if they are 2 in the same map, ( if i am in the ghost in any of those 3 maps i won't be dead for 10 minutes , and 80% of a time i will be the last human alive )
And yea , it's a good idea to only spawn warthogs and maybe 1 ghost  ;)......( but i love ghost );D